This page houses a wide variety of resources created by NCSC and the CCJ-COSCA Rapid Response Team (RRT) to help state courts deal with challenges presented by the pandemic. Use the filtering options to narrow your search by resource type, or by subject area.

- Criminal
- Considerations
- Guidance
- Case management
Court Employee Viewpoint Tool Kit
- Survey
- Human resources
Criminal Continuance Policy and Implementation Guide
- Criminal
- Considerations
- Sample notice/order
- High volume dockets
- Case management
Recommendations for Using Weighted Caseload Models in the Pandemic
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Human resources
Pandemic Impact on Weighted Caseload Models - Executive Summary
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Human resources
Implementation Labs Evaluation Quicksheet: Juvenile Diversion
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Guidance
- Children and family law
Reopening the Appellate Courthouse
- Appellate
- Considerations
- Fact sheet
- Survey
- Appellate process and procedure
- Courthouse access/screening
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Reopening the Appellate Courthouse - Statistical Report
- Appellate
- Considerations
- Fact sheet
- Survey
- Appellate process and procedure
- Courthouse access/screening
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Appellate Courts - Return to the Workplace Planning
- Appellate
- Appellate process and procedure
Considerations about Collecting Information on COVID-19 Vaccine Status from Prospective Jurors
- Considerations
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
Open Data Principles to Promote Court Technology Post-Pandemic
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Criminal
- Technology
- Considerations
- Guidance
- Appellate process and procedure
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Jury trials
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
Addressing the Mental Health and Well-Being of Judges and Court Employees
- Guidance
- Vulnerable populations
Improving Outcomes for People with Behavioral Health Needs: Diversion and Case Processing Considerations During a Pandemic
- Guidance
- Vulnerable populations
Listening to the Field: Observations and Recommendations to Reduce Jail Populations During a Pandemic
- Guidance
- Vulnerable populations
Appellate Court Response to the Pandemic and Reopening
- Appellate
- Appellate process and procedure
Battling the Backlog: A Library of On-Demand Videos on Preventing Backlog and Addressing New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
The Crisis Care Continuum: Resources for Judges During and After the COVID-19
- Pandemic
Battling the Backlog: COVID-19 Pandemic Juvenile Data
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Case management
Battling the Backlog: COVID-19 Pandemic Domestic Relations and Domestic Violence Data
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Case management
Battling the Backlog: COVID-19 Pandemic Data
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Case management
Guardianship Addressing Backlog
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Domestic Relations Addressing Backlog
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Delinquency Addressing Backlog
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Child Protection Addressing Backlog
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Juror Survey Instruments
- Civil
- Survey
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
Appellate Case Conferencing amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Appellate
- Considerations
- Fact sheet
- Survey
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Constitutional Concerns Related to Jury Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Criminal
- Considerations
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
Managing Civil Cases in the Time of COVID - Quick Reference Guide
- Civil
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
Ensure Fair and Efficient Handling of Consumer Debt Actions
- Civil
- Fact sheet
- Evictions and foreclosures
Managing Children, Families and Elders’ Cases in the Time of COVID: Quick Reference Guide
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Child Protection in Time of Crisis
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Juvenile Justice in Time of Crisis
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Guardianship & Conservatorship in Time of Crisis
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Domestic Relations & Domestic Violence in Time of Crisis
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Children and family law
- Case management
Planning to Conduct Jury Trials in Existing Courtrooms
- Considerations
- Guidance
- Facilities
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
Garnishment and Asset Seizure During COVID-19
- Civil
- Guidance
Rhode Island Business Recovery Plan: A Reference Guide
- Civil
- Guidance
Permanency and Adoption in Time of Crisis
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Digital Divide Considerations
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Communications & Funding
- Criminal
- Technology
- Considerations
- Digital divide
- Language access and interpreters
- Live streaming
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: Navigators
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Debt collection
Appellate Courts Staffing & Functional Adaptations to the Pandemic
- Appellate
- Checklist
- Appellate process and procedure
Tiny Chat: Goodnight Status Quo
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
- Human resources
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Unbanked
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- SRLs
- Debt collection
TIny Chat: Online Dispute Resolution
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- SRLs
- Case management
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: Procedural Fairness
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
Early Lessons Learned in Communications
- Communications & Funding
- Checklist
- Considerations
- Facilities
- Live streaming
Jury Service Expectations in a (Post) Pandemic World
- Communications & Funding
- Considerations
- Survey
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
How to Conduct a Fair and Just Remote Hearing
- Civil
- Fact sheet
Tiny Chat: Postal Service Considerations
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Pretrial
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: Postal Service Considerations
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Jurors and juror selection
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Remote Hearing Bench Guide
- Civil
- Bench card
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
Tiny Chat: Digital Divide: Practical Solutions
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Tech tools
Supporting Vulnerable Populations: Civil Interventions and Diversion for Those with Mental Illness
- Civil
- Criminal
- Fact sheet
Domestic Relations: Addressing Backlog and New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Children, Family and Elders Overview: Addressing Backlog and New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Guardianships and Conservatorships: Addressing Backlog and New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Child Welfare: Addressing Backlog and New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Delinquency: Addressing Backlog and New Filings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Fact sheet
- Case management
Tiny Chat: Empathy
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: Human Side of Poverty
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: Poverty
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
Tiny Chat: NODS
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
Post-Pandemic Planning - Technology Resource Guide
- Technology
- Case study
- Considerations
- Language access and interpreters
- Live streaming
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Budget
- Case management
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Legal Services Corporation
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
COVID-19 Commercial Contract Litigation Webinar
- Civil
- Webinar
- Case management
- Tech tools
Essential Steps to Tackle Backlog and Prepare for a Surge in New Cases Webinar
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Webinar
- Case management
- Tech tools
Guiding principles for post-pandemic court technology
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Considerations
- Language access and interpreters
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Budget
- Cybersecurity
- Case management
- Tech tools
Providing Court-Connected Behavioral Health Services During the Pandemic: Remote Technology Solutions
- Criminal
- Technology
- Fact sheet
- Vulnerable populations
Twelve Essential Steps to Tackle Backlog and Prepare for a Surge in New Civil Cases
- Civil
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Case management
Tiny Chat: Self-Help Centers
- Appellate
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Facilities
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
COVID-19 - Insurance Coverage Litigation Webinar
- Civil
- Webinar
- Case management
- Tech tools
Remote Appellate Oral Argument A Checklist for Judges & Justices
- Appellate
- Checklist
- Appellate process and procedure
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Tiny Chat: SRL
- Appellate
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Appellate process and procedure
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
“Back to the Future”: Video Remote Interpreting and Other Language Access Solutions in the Time of COVID Webinar
- Criminal
- Webinar
- Language access and interpreters
- Tech tools
Video Remote Interpretation Solutions and Resources
- Criminal
- Considerations
- Fact sheet
- Language access and interpreters
Tiny Chat: Traffic
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
State of the State Courts in a (Post) Pandemic World Presentation
- Civil
- Communications & Funding
- Technology
- PowerPoint slides
- Survey
- Courthouse access/screening
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Tiny Chat: Evictions
- Civil
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
Addressing Court Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being in Tense Times Webinar
- Webinar
- Vulnerable populations
- Human resources
Tiny Chat: Debt Collection Cases
- Civil
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Child Support
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Guardianship
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
Court Staff Expectations About Pandemics
- Case study
- Considerations
- Legal backgrounder
- Human resources
Tiny Chat: High Volume Dockets
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Jury Service and Accessing Court Services Remotely in a (Post) Pandemic America: Results From a New National Public Opinion Poll Webinar
- Civil
- Communications & Funding
- Technology
- Webinar
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Tech tools
“Dos” and “Do Nots” for State Courts Facing Budget Challenges
- Communications & Funding
- Talking points
- Budget
Remote Hearings and Access to Justice
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Technology
- Considerations
- Legal backgrounder
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Courthouse access/screening
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Tech tools
Background and Legal Standards on Public Right to Access to Remote Hearings
- Civil
- Technology
- Considerations
- Legal backgrounder
- Children and family law
Virtual Courtroom Standards and Guidelines
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Bench card
- Checklist
- Considerations
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Case management
Considerations for High-Volume Dockets During the Pandemic
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Considerations
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Pretrial
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Case management
- Tech tools
Livestream Public Access Benchcard
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Bench card
- Live streaming
- Pretrial
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Case management
- Tech tools
SRL One Page Remote Hearings Sample Instructions
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Technology
- Considerations
- Legal backgrounder
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Courthouse access/screening
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Mailbag: Language Access
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Vulnerable populations
Handling High Volume Dockets: Spotlight on Eviction Cases Webinar
- Civil
- Technology
- Webinar
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Tech tools
Technology Options for Jury Trials and Grand Jury Proceedings
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Technology
- Considerations
- Fact sheet
- Sample notice/order
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Upstream
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Criminal
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
Considerations for Reopening Courthouses
- Considerations
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Reestablishing Jury Pools in the COVID-19 Era Webinar
- Civil
- Technology
- Webinar
- Jurors and juror selection
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Tech tools
Reopening Strategies and Costs Webinar
- Communications & Funding
- Webinar
- Budget
Tiny Chat: Mailbag Stakeholders
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
Court Interpreter Exam Administration Considerations
- Considerations
- Language access and interpreters
Recommendations In Person Court Interpretation
- Considerations
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Language access and interpreters
How State Courts are Using Innovative Technologies and Responsible Health and Safety Practices to Resume Jury Trials Webinar
- Civil
- Technology
- Webinar
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Civil Filing Fee Waiver
- Civil
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
Expanding Court Operations #2 Webinar
- Webinar
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Human resources
Considerations in Resuming Court Operations
- Considerations
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Tiny Chat: SRL E-Filing
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Tech tools
Tiny Chat: Signatures and Notaries and Service
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Pretrial
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Developing Plans for Expanding In-Person Court Operations Webinar
- Webinar
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Human resources
Tiny Chat: Digital Divide
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Checklist for Judges
- Checklist
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Mock Videoconference Hearing: Pierce County (WA) Superior Court
- Case study
- Sample notice/order
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Remote Conferencing Tips and Security Guides
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Ramping Down and Ramping Up Webinar
- Webinar
- Personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
- Human resources
Tiny Chat: Federal Pass Through Funding
- Communications & Funding
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- High volume dockets
- Digital divide
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Lights, Camera, Motion #3 Webinar
- Webinar
- Appellate process and procedure
- Live streaming
Cyber Threats and Cyber Hygiene During the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
- Considerations
- Cybersecurity
Key Virtual Hearing Platform Capability Considerations
- Checklist
- Considerations
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
COVID-19 Translated Resources Directory
- Fact sheet
- Language access and interpreters
Video Conferencing Configurations
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Technology
- Considerations
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Case management
- Tech tools
Teleconferencing Platforms
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
CCJ/COSCA Family Justice Initiative Virtual Triage, Pathways and COVID-19
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
Implementing Technology in Times of Crisis
- Considerations
- Cybersecurity
- Tech tools
Lights, Camera, Motion #2 Webinar
- Webinar
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Tiny Chat: Clear Communications
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Communications & Funding
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Children and family law
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Guardianship
- High volume dockets
- Traffic
- Digital divide
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Lights, Camera, Motion #1 Webinar
- Webinar
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
Tiny Chat: Introduction & Thinking About Court Users in the Response to COVID-19
- Appellate
- Children, Families, and Elders
- Civil
- Communications & Funding
- Criminal
- Technology
- Tiny Chat/Short Video
- Digital divide
- Language access and interpreters
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
- Case management
- Debt collection
- Tech tools
Treatment Courts and COVID-19 #2 Webinar
- Webinar
- Vulnerable populations
Coronavirus & the Courts: Survivors of Domestic Violence
- Considerations
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- Case management
Prioritization of Case Types
- Considerations
- Case management
Linking a YouTube Account to a Zoom Account
- Checklist
- Live streaming
- Remote/virtual Hearings
FEMA Public Assistance Resources for Courts
- Considerations
- Courthouse access/screening
- Facilities
- Human resources
Remote Court Operations Incorporating A2J Principles
- Civil
- Checklist
- Evictions and foreclosures
- Facilities
- Case management
Access to Justice Considerations for State and Local Courts Webinar
- Webinar
- Remote/virtual Hearings
- SRLs
- Vulnerable populations
Treatment Courts and COVID-19 Webinar
- Webinar
- Vulnerable populations
Managing Juries and Jury Trials During the COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar
- Webinar
- Jurors and juror selection
- Jury trials